Category Archives: Poetry

Scripture pictures and frames

Over the past few years, we have played with adding Scripture to pictures we’ve taken as we “walk”.  Here is a post about the frames we made from our old pickets as 2014 Christmas gifts, and a link to a new page on this blog that will house the pictures. 🙂

IMG_0297IMG_2810IMG_2651You’ll notice we had to change the location of the white note – not a good idea to cover up the hole where the dowel rod should go, lol! 🙂


Since I didn’t have enough pockets for each frame, some got envelopes instead. 🙂

IMG_2659Click here for a link to the Scripture pictures page on this blog…

LOOK ON THE SUNNY SIDE by Helen Steiner Rice

This is my favorite poem. My fondness for writing rhyming poems has surely been inspired by the works of Helen Steiner Rice. 🙂

As I was washing my one millionth dish today & feeling a bit “blah”, I saw this laminated magnet hanging on the side of my fridge that I had made several years ago. It made me smile – just what I needed! 🙂

Thought I should add it to my “scrapbook”… 🙂

“Thorn” removal…

Whew.  What a week.  Yes, the picture in the poem is actually Mike’s thumb.  Part of the reason this poem was inspired was because of watching him deal with this nasty splinter.  Another reason was watching Michael deal with food poisoning the past couple of days.  As a parent, there’s nothing worse than watching your child suffer.  Another thorn, another thorn…

Mike’s thorn is dissipating, but not removed.  Michael’s on the road to recovery – but may be gun-shy of a certain restaurant’s sandwiches, lol! 🙂

Creaky floors…

This morning I realized I’m thankful for creaky floors!  Mike & I wake the boys up at 7AM.  We allow them 30 minutes to:  get up, get dressed, do bathroom stuff, make kefir shakes (Paul), tidy TV room (Michael), and be seated around the table for our family devotion at 7:30AM  If they take longer than 30 minutes, their consequence is going to bed at 8:30PM that night.  For each minute they are late to the table, that’s another minute BEFORE 8:30PM they go to bed.  BELIEVE ME, this is “torture” for our boys, lol!  (Funny, I actually LIKE this bedtime for myself!)  Anyways…back to creaky floors…by about 7:20AM, I find myself listening for signs that the boys are up and moving.  Following through on a punishment is definitely NOT a “fun” part of parenting, but we understand why it’s necessary.  I was sooo thankful today when I heard our upstairs floorboards squeak!  It inspired this poem: